Badlands Fieldcraft: No Matter What Happens

This appeared on 5 NOV at Badlands Fieldcraft. Man Up. -NCS

It’s the morning after the election and there’s not a clear cut winner, and it looks like things will no doubt get messy as the results get ironed out. Whichever way the winds blow over the next week or so, I’m unaffected. Of course I have my ideas on what I hope will happen, but whether it does or not is of no consequence. I’m already on a path and on that path I’ll stay.

That’s not to say I don’t care, but in reality I know what I believe is right and true and I’ll stand by it confidently. That’s where anxiety comes from; a lack of confidence, and fear.

I wrote awhile back that I’ve stopped allowing myself to make decisions based on fear. It’s become a sin for me. That’s not to say I don’t have concerns about those and that which I care about. Concern is rational, fear is irrational. Stop letting fear be an influence in your life. Learn to recognize it and once identified respond to it appropriately. The response I’ve been working on training in myself is to “assault through” the fear. If I feel that fear spike, I try to attack it immediately.

Make a plan to start building your confidence. I’m not talking about the sugar coated fake “self confidence” BS that was rammed down our throats as kids; the “everyone is special” and “a winner”; the “you’re perfect just the way you are” nonsense. That’s probably why the western world is so full of nervous, anxious people blaming their problems on everyone else and looking for the first chance to vent on “the other side”. 30+ years and multiple generations of not realizing potential and building true, solid, confidence will get you a lot of anxious, depressed, weak and fragile people.

Sorry, I just puked in my mouth..

This is especially important for men, considering that confidence and solidity in the face of adversity has kind of been our bit for the last few thousand years. Those who typically possessed those virtues tended to do better than their competition. But there I go with my “toxic masculinity” again…

Strength of all types will always be an important part of masculinity and without it fear and anxiety will take hold

Embrace the chaos and develop yourself into the sort of man who can make order from the chaos. Strong men create order, weak men create chaos. For decades our country has for the most part enjoyed the plush, warm, comfortable life; like a baby in it’s mother’s womb. But now we are being expelled into the cold, chaotic, harsh light of life that demands the father’s masculine influence to survive and grow.

Instead of looking at the chaos and challenges in the world in despair and fear, think of the situation like a rite of passage and prepare yourself accordingly. Embrace it as part of the process of becoming stronger and better.

We are entering a new era where strong men will be more necessary in everyday life again. By strong I don’t just mean physical, but in character as well. We’ve gotten complacent and lazy in front of our screens while “mom” takes care of everything. Our society has gotten so easy and prosperous that hard, dangerous work is now outsourced to a few, allowing less courageous men to become legends in their own minds and distort the image of what it is to be a strong man. These less than ideal men are then promoted by the Marxist nanny-state to the millions of fatherless boys as the ideal and the cycle starts to repeat itself, while at the same time they teach the boys to resent real masculinity like the father they never had. It’s only when true chaos and hardship show up is the truth revealed. It’s only then that “the fat is burnt away”. It’s for this reason that I welcome the opportunity to do battle with the chaos.

So start facing some adversity with a smile on your face. Tighten up those boot laces and pack straps and start tackling those mountains you’re facing. As they say, nothing good comes easy after all. Go earn your confidence by facing fears and challenges. Always be improving your position.

Solid as a rock and standing the test of time…

Regardless of whether “your guy” wins or loses, or if you could care less, have a plan for yourself. Never settle for “good enough”. I’m already on a path, and no matter what happens, I’m moving forward regardless how steep or tough the road; how about you? Set your sights on those distant goals and continually belly crawl your way forward. The world isn’t going to unfuck itself any time soon, but maybe we can unfuck ourselves enough to start creating order and protecting liberty where we can.

While the path was rough, the view at the top was worth every step

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About the Author: NC Scout

NC Scout is the nom de guerre of a former Infantry Scout and Sergeant in one of the Army’s best Reconnaissance Units. He has combat tours in both Iraq and Afghanistan. He teaches a series of courses focusing on small unit skills rarely if ever taught anywhere else in the prepping and survival field, including his RTO Course which focuses on small unit communications. In his free time he is an avid hunter, bushcrafter, writer, long range shooter, prepper, amateur radio operator and Libertarian activist. He can be contacted at or via his blog at .


  1. Anonymous November 9, 2020 at 13:21


  2. KC November 9, 2020 at 13:54

    Most excellent thoughts. If we’re not careful, “responsibilities” can make us all cowards. The first thing to always remember is that we’ve got nothing in this life that that will not be lost. “He who loves his life will lose it…”

  3. Luke November 9, 2020 at 15:46

    I have been gripped with anxiety ever since the lockdowns started and then of course the riots. It’s been a foreboding time frame that I was really hoping would end after the election last week. I thought a crushing Trump defeat would sink their ships but I was also nervous because of the polls. It was eerie watching Biden and Harris non campaign. It was a sure sign something was up.

    While this is a nice essay and good to remember truth is I’m scared shitless. We sit at the precipice of what could be a total disaster. The fact is the people who our enemies are the ones who lead the opposition party. These people have to be a bit scared too because if Trump gets term 2 they’re in deep trouble. Hence the election steal since the founding of the Republic.

    It’s funny as I read this. My ex (kinda) was a white liberal woman. I had known her since high school so had trusted her with my thoughts. She talked to me about meditation, astrology, toxic masculinity, systemic racism and sexism. Yet she seemed to really like my masculinity. She was very intelligent but yet such a fool. I asked her what do we do about systemic racism and she could never give me any results. I refuse to acknowledge a problem that cannot be fixed with the exception of punishing a group of people for crimes they did not commit. She said all we needed to do to solve it was to admit. I said well that’s pretty silly if I haven’t done it I am not going to admit it; and again if there’s no solution why are you stirring it up?

    Anyhow The day after the election I told her to hit the bricks. And for good measure I lobbed in a grenade about what I thought about her hubby and how she’s raising her boy to be a puss. If she has her way he’ll be washing feet some day. Well it’s been a week so I guess it’s still ticking my mind.

    Guys I was hoping that a complete blowout of the Dems would keep things on track. I am not surprised by what they did given the stakes. I am pretty damn sure at this point this is going to get ugly quick. Half the people in this country have become convinced the sky is green. They have invented many of their own problems. Perhaps a symptom of an easy life and too much time. I spent 4 months talking to that girl who trusted me implicitly. And I could not get her to see the truth. It’s a failure on my end I suppose. The point I am making is we cannot continue onward as a country or society where insanity rules.

    Stay fearless friends; I will try and do same.

    • boss21 November 9, 2020 at 17:23

      Luke – Shortcut to sanity – Read Men Among The Ruins by Julius Evola. His other books are equally good. We are blessed to be in these times to temper our souls. I haven’t watched a movie since June. My watch-list was short anyway but now I can’t watch anything without cringing. This is God’s plan. Anyway, would you rather die in battle or be smothered by a ‘health care professional’ on a bed?
      Good article by the way.

      • NC Scout November 9, 2020 at 17:45

        Great book.

        • boss21 November 9, 2020 at 17:54

          Serious dude , Evola. He publicly criticized Mussolini and Duce didn’t say a word.

  4. James November 9, 2020 at 20:22

    Luke,you are far from alone in the “anxiety” mode.That said,you have crossed that mental jump that things can go very wrong(not a happy view)and feel you as many realize time for a change.

    I have said many times and will say again,most of us not born a Grizzly Adams lifestyle with combat special ops thrown in,most of us just average citizens trying to muddle along in this at times insane world.

    That said,you have realized things can go wrong and doing the best to deal with it moving forward,why you post/read hear and perhaps other sites.

    Me guess is you loved the woman you speak about,accept it didn’t work out an move forward,perhaps your awakening moment.

    In the end will say 3 things,

    1.Luke,you are not alone.

    2. Having a grizzly bear as a buddy would be cool as hell in these trying times.

    3.I believe a shot from the movie “300”,while good feel The 13 Warrior a better flick,watch em back to back while we can and decide!

    Best of luck to all of us as we try and do the right things(s).

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